Monday, 20 May 2013

It's all happening

Festivals and happenings abounding in Sheffield this weekend.  Friday night saw us at Eat at Nichols for fabulous cake and an intimate candlelit reading of Rimbaud's Illuminations as part of In The City
Up early on Saturday to meet at Bank Street Arts for the final Expedition - this time following in the footsteps of Kate Marsden as she crossed Siberia on horseback
and we reached our desolate Siberian destination in a dark, damp Darnall tunnel
Brilliant expedition and hoping to get to Stephen's performance next week.   And if you want to see the previous Humboldt expedition click here.

Back to town by bus for a quick but delicious pea and spinach soup in the cosy Crucible Cafe then into the Winter Gardens to have my say about the proposed Sheffield City Centre Masterplan.  Lots of great ideas here and more 'joining up' of the city and use of the rivers. You can make your own comments on the link I've just given.

Next a final dash down to Persistence Works for the Jewellery day at the Galvanize Festival and a welcome flat white from the coffee cart and some ace Sheffield graffiti nearby:
Sadly no time to take the 2p bus to Pete McKee's Joy of Sheffield day in the Blue Shed, Attercliffe as planned, as had to get home and ready for . . .

our Saturady night finale - the Sheffield Chamber Orchestra's concert in the magnificent Art Deco hall at High Storrs school, where we heard Benjamin Britten's setting of Rimbaud's Illuminations to music.  And to tick off yet another festival, this was part of Sheffield's year-long Britten centenary tribute, A Boy was Born.

Nice to see so many faces from the old Tapton days and Molly Cockburn's magnificent performance of Tchaikovskys' Violin Concerto.

And that was only 24 hours in this City of Sheffield - we still have Sunday's exploits to come!!  Read on if you dare.

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